стеснительный голубь с комплексом неполноценности
05.10.2019 в 19:46
Пишет [J]Русалка <img class=\"smile\" alt=\"
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This romance has touched something deep inside me that I wasn’t even aware existed. It’s so damn tender, and respectful, and caring, and understanding, and utterly right in every single way. And there is angst, and UST, and a bit of humor. And I know that the romance scene was recycled, which I can definitely understand given Spiders’ budget constraints, but it went straight into my feels regardless. Kurt is always so in control, he has to be, and then seeing how he gives up this control in their first intimate moment with De Sarde... it just... melted my heart. And then the insecurity, but complete honesty the “next morning” - despite the fear of being rejected. Greedfall romances are short, no doubt, but this one (haven’t tried the other ones, so I can’t judge. And I’m sticking with Kurt in my extreme playthrough) tells such an intensive and multifaceted story. Unbelievable.
(с) lordirrelevant.tumblr.com